Monday, September 12, 2011

My 100 Item Challenge: Moving On. Out with the Old.

Recently, I've had to start thinking seriously about moving. Not because I want to, but because the big mess known as Bank of America has completely raked me unjustly over the coals.  I've moved on from trying to figure out the "why's", you know, why did this happen to me? Why are they allowed to get away with theft on a huge scale? Why is there not ONE person at BOA who wants to do the right thing?  And now I've moved on to acceptance and planning...which means I'm very realistically looking at having to move out of what I considered my dreamhouse.  But on the plus side, I'm looking at things very differently now. What may those things be?

First, I recognize that I don't have a "dream house" any longer. My dream house is where I am with my kids and where my friends and family can gather. That's about it. Sure I have a list of ideal things it would have, like room for my garden and an extra room for friends. But I am also appalled that the most "affordable" house (townhome, actually) is the area is $1700 to rent. Luckily, I can swing that but I have no illusions that most single moms raising two kids alone can do so. And what happens to them? Doesnt seem like the American dream to me, not to mention that's renting and not buying.

Secondly, I recognize that I have way too much crap. I've amassed so much over the years, and now the thought of moving into another home is a daunting task. Although, on the plus side, I have had the chance to see just how flaky I really am. It's kind of hilarious to be able to see phases and transitions I've gone through over the past ten years that I've been moving and collecting. I will say that I realize I have a distinct taste, which can only be called "eclectic". Which is code for a ton of crap with no rhyme, reason or practical use.  A red feather lamp? And bright yellow, 70's era lamp? I have a thing for obnoxious lighting. A Commodore computer? Hmmm... I don't see that coming into use any time soon.

Lastly I wanted to figure out what to do with this stuff. There's no way someone who believes in recycling and reusing the way I do could just toss it. I would have to live with that guilt forever! And then I'd make myself feel better with retail therapy, which is counter productive.

I remembered something I read a few years back, about "100 Things".  It tries to open our eyes to how much we are living as a slave to consumerism. You know, that we've been programmed to buy, buy and buy some more in the pursuit of the American Dream/Happiness. Also known as "Keeping Up with the Joneses".  No thanks! So while I'm not quite ready to reduce down to 100 items for my daily living, I have decided to get rid of 100 items.

Starting tomorrow, I will utilize EBay, Craigslist, my front lawn and donation centers to rid myself of 100 items. I've been walking around the house eyeballing my possessions, silently warning them that they're time may be up.

"Hey you, Tiki Man! What have you done for me lately? Tell me why I should keep you around." He's promised to stop looking so stiff and start taking out the trash. Deal done.

Those books I have been holding on to because I love books enough that I've slept with half of them, literally in my bed?  Sorry pals, you could be sleeping with another woman. I'm freeing you to see other people.

My fat jeans? Out. Of. Here. I never want to see your stretched out, mom jean pockets again.

Wish me, and my possessions, luck. We won't all make it out alive.

In the meantime, I will keep you posted on my progress.  Hopefully, I can make some money and declutter, all while moving towards my own version of a more simple life. I'd love to have a few readers decide to have a 100 item challenge of their own. You don't have to set your number at 100, maybe 50 or even 25. It can't be 5 though, because your husband, two kids and two cats don't count!

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