Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blondes are noticed but redheads are never forgotten. Thoughts on being a redhead.

 I’m going to begin by saying I love being a redhead. I’ve been every hair color, but more out of rebellion versus hatred of my hair color. When I was a kid, I was the Campbell Soup Kid. Chunky, big cheeks, and red hair. When I was a teen, I was too tall at 14, with braces and an ill-advised perm in that red hair. Not to mention, my questionable fashion taste. Fast forward to 18, when I was finally an “adult”. I use that term very, very loosely. I decided that I would drastically change my waist length, fiery red hair. This is because my sisters were allowed to have bleached blond hair, and I was not allowed to cut mine or dye it, and this was not open for discussion with my mom. She felt I should be proud; I was the only red head in my immediate family and was always complemented on my hair.  I felt…. Like cutting my nose off to spite my face apparently. So I marched into a salon and demanded they cut it off to my ears.  All of the stylists refused (hello, red flag). They said they would cut half of it off and I should come back in a week once I had thought it through. Luckily, there was a salon next door with less beauty ethics, and they promptly  chopped it off into a boy cut and bleached it blond. I kept what I refer to as my “Susan Powter” (You know… STOP THE INSANITY!)  do for about 14 years. 

Finally, I grew it back out and decided I would go back red. I missed it. I took offense when people called me “the tall blond”. No…that’s my sister. I’m the tall redhead!!!!  And here I am, back to my roots. Back to red, happily. And more comfortable in my skin then I’ve been in a very long time.  I’m still prone to fits of wanting to be blond again and who knows? Maybe it will happen. I’m also prone to fits of ADD.  But I will surely always carry the comfort and confidence I’ve rediscovered in being red again. And who am I kidding? I’m far too lazy for regular salon visits and maintenance.  But even if I wasn’t too lazy, I could change my hair color a million times and still take with me the confidence that being a redhead has given me.

Some of my blog ideas come from reading the paper or websites.  This one included. Last week I read an article on the Huffington Post and the title was “Being a Redhead: Why it’s a Love/Hate Relationship”.  And the article spent 90% of the writing complaining about being a redhead, griping about other people’s perception of us and about the fact that so many women are dying their hair red.  Sure, I got the nicknames like everyone else. I still do. I get a lot of questions and what people think are witty remarks about my temper and about sexual prowess and carpets matching drapes. So what?

I also get to belong to the 4% of people worldwide (yes world, not U.S.) who are genetic mutants. I like to think in a good way.  This is a list of my favorites, clearly not all inclusive. Feel free to make your own list of favorite redheads, just make sure I’m at the top.

My favorites?  Glinda the Good Witch, Anne of Green Gables, Molly Ringwald, Rita Hayworth, Nicole Kidman, Anne Margaret, Vanessa and Lynn Redgrave, Ginger Rodgers, Red Sonja, Tori Amos, Cleopatra (yep, that’s right!), my blogging idol Ree Drummond (The Pioneer Woman) and my personal all time favorite, The Celt Warrior Queen Boudicca. She avenged the rape and torture of herself and her daughters after her husband/King’s death, and led an uprising against the Roman Empire. She was quoted to be “In stature she was very tall, in appearance most terrifying, in the glance of her eye most fierce, and her voice was harsh; a great mass of the tawniest hair fell to her hips.”  She was also fearless, and a devoted and passionate wife and mother. And led a pack of warrior men in this uprising.  Sweet. 

I also have quite a few lovely, intelligent and fiery redheads in my own family.  So I think that’s pretty good company to keep. And I don’t have one single complaint about being a redhead. Do I think we do hold an air of mystery? Maybe. Do I think redheads are highly sexed? Perhaps. But do I think we are more so over other woman with black, blonde or brown hair? You got me. I don’t sleep with those women, nor do I compare myself to them.  I do know that I am outspoken, sexually empowered, sure of myself and creative. And I think that has to do with me, not strictly my hair color. And I hope that no matter your hair color, you own it. And feel pride in it, as I do in my red. Even though I’m a mutant!

But in keeping with my redhead pride, I will end this post with some of my favorite redhead quotes:

 "Blondes are noticed but redheads are never forgotten." - Unknown

"Nobody who has known a redhead can say that redheads are tame. Even shy redheads have a burning spark of adventure inside them. Opinionated, hotheaded, logical, loyal, friendly, reserved, whatever the redheads' personality, you can bet they'll have SCADS of it!" - Review of The Redhead Encyclopedia

"All throughout history, from Reuben to Robbins, redheads have been recognized as a rare breed. Blondes may have more fun, brunettes may be brainier, but when it comes down to raw energy, creativity, and personality ... you just can't beat a redhead well, you can, but beware ... she'll probably beat you back!" - Redheads Unlimited

"It's not the hair that turns men on, it's the spirit that redheads exude." - Unknown

"I used to hate my red hair, but now I love the attention I get with it. I think that very smart, daring men love red hair, and I love that in a man." - Unknown


  1. Great article and I believe that u can't work it unless your comfortable wearing it. There's nothing like a pretty redhead for sure!

  2. Well said, Rach. At this point of our lives, we've had children, we've paid our dues....lets be comfortable and LOVE our lives!
