Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Jane Eyre, Country Strong and Soul Surfer

I guess you can see that my lack of writing is perhaps to due to an overabundance of movie watching these last two days. I recruited my 13 year old daughter to watch Jane Eyre with me.  I should probably change "recruited" to "shamelessly guilted". But anyway, it worked. She caved and pulled up a seat next to me.

Jane Eyre was one of my beloved gothic fiction novels when I was younger, and it remains on my favorites list. I was hoping to entice her into reading a book before the summer was out.   Once the movie was over and she declared that she loved it, I told her now she could read the book (with an overly excited mom voice, full of hope).  She flatly replied, "I don't have to read the book! I just watched the movie!"   Hmmmm..... Backfire.

I found the movie very well done. The characters were appropriately cast, with Dame Judi Dench as a lovely surprise. Obviously, it varied from the book but I would expect that. It helps to draw a larger crowd, and with a book written so long ago and lacking what we've become (unfortunately) accustomed to in current movies, then I think a bit of updating is alright. Just a little artistic leeway, I suppose.  They also did a notable job with the lighting and setting of the movie, they used it very effectively to relay the feel of the movie. It's a dark movie, but a sweeping romance at the same time. You're reminded that things weren't easy then, they had real struggles of class, sexism and disease. Women didn't have liberties as we do now, and I'm glad that my daughter asked me a ton of questions. Although I wonder if I helped along her love of moody, emotional and passionate guys in exposing her to Rochester? She gets that from me. And every Jane Austen book and movie she's seen thus far. Which would be all of them.

Once Jane Eyre ended, my daughter decided that she wasn't sleepy. I sure was, but no way was I going to let my 13 year out-hang me. You know, on my sofa. I can out-hang anyone while sitting stationary on my sofa. I am the master.

She selected Country Strong. I'm a lover of country music, I like Gwyneth and Tim McGraw. I also thought the title meant it was a story of redemption and strength. Ummmm....not so much. I wont give away the plot, but I would say that I personally wouldn't recommend this movie. I like uplifting. I deal with real life every day, I see the news. I don't look to my movies for more of human natures unbeatable demons, I look for those demons to be beat down, to a bloody pulp.  The acting was great, the music was good. But it simply wasn't for me.  I found it depressing.

And lastly, tonight I wrapped up my movie spree with another of my daughters picks. She selected Soul Surfer, which if you don't know, is the story of Bethany Hamilton. Bethany is the teen girl who lost her arm in a shark attack while surfing.  What a fantastic story for her to watch. How inspiring this kid is! My daughter has recently started to inquire about surfing.  I don't know if it's because I used to surf or because her cute guitar teacher mentioned recently that he took it up. In addition, she's at the pity-party age. I think she shed tears this morning when I told her she couldn't get a new CD right that second.

This movie came right in time. It shows Bethany pre and post attack, and how she dealt with it. It shows her own pity party, and how she dealt with it (by going to do missionary work with people who lost it all after a tidal wave).  What spirit she had, really just an unbeleiveable story and a fantastic one for a teen girl to watch. Heck, it's a great one for anyone to watch.   But her determination to overcome something that would've broken many people is something that she attributes to her family and God, clearly two things she believes in and relies upon greatly. 

I don't think I can fit one more gushy word into one post. I'm done now. I've grossed myself out.

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