Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bad Blogger...Im smacking my own hand. Oh, and a pasta salad recipe to make up for it.

I had every intention of being a much better blogger while on vacation. As you may have noticed, it has not worked out that way! For most people, I suppose 25-30 hours in a car would provide a wealth of writing time but not for me. That Wanderlust part of my blog title didn't come out of the blue. I have a severe case, and always have. So driving in the car, I love nothing more than hanging my feet out the window, reading a book or magazine and smiling. I like smiling. It's my favorite.

But if you think all I have been doing is lying on a dock by a lake with a glass of wine in my hand... you'd be right. Well, for about 90% of the time. I spend another 5% cooking and another 5% floating on the lake instead of lying next to it. 

About that cooking part...just in time for the Fourth, I've got a yummy recipe for pasta salad. Its got no mayo, which deters a lot of people. Its easy and fast, just make sure you chill it for a few hours and also salt it adequately, it's crucial. I substituted the feta with a feta-styled goat cheese, it was mahhhhvalousssss.

  • 12 ounces, weight Farfalle (bowtie) Pasta

  • 4 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 1 whole Lemons (more To Taste)

  • Salt

  • Freshly Ground Black Pepper

  • 2 whole Zucchini, Cut Into Small Wedges Or Diced

  • 10 ounces, weight Grape Tomatoes, Halved Lengthwise

  • 1/3 cup Minced Fresh Parsley

  • 6 ounces, weight Crumbled Feta Cheese

Preparation Instructions

Cook pasta until done. Drain and rinse in cold water until completely cool. Add olive oil and lemon juice, then add salt and pepper to taste (do not undersalt). Toss to combine. Add zucchini, tomatoes, parsley, and feta, and toss to combine. Add more of what you think it needs; you're the one that has to eat it!  Squeeze in a little more lemon juice/drizzle more olive oil if it needs more moisture.

Cover in plastic wrap for at least a couple of hours. Pasta is best when chilled for a few hours before serving.


Hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend!


Your bad blogger.


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