Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dont Cry Because It's Over, Smile Because It Happened.

I have been the Queen of Cliche's this weekend. I have used the phrase "stop and smell the roses!" about ten times, and I actually met stop right here. And smell those damn roses. Those right next to you that you were about to breeze right by.

I am spending the weekend on Cape Cod and today took the ferry over to Martha's Vineyard.  I've been to the Vineyard dozens of times, and I'm blessed to have family up on the Cape to visit while I'm here. I was raised coming to the Cape to see them, lucky me. And lucky me that I actually like them, and immensely enjoy their company. They are a dazzling group of intelligent women, four female cousins here on the Cape this weekend (one is in from Japan and I've seen all but one so far) plus my Aunt, and then there's the poor guy thrown in the mix (my Uncle) who is so used to living with all that estrogen it doesn't faze him at all no matter the conversation topic.  I got to hang out with two of my cousins yesterday, as well as visit with my aunt and uncle. I also got to tag along to the Barnstable County Fair, with my cousins daughter and my other cousins step-daughter and had a splendid time hanging out with two teen girls who aren't mine!  They actually deemed me "the coolest" mom (other than theirs, I'm sure) to hang out with. And even told me if I was their mother, they'd even introduce me to their friends! I think that's a big deal, because apparently mothers of teen girls are trolls who are to hide in the basement and never meet their teen daughters friends?

Anyhow, as I said I went to the Vineyard today and for the first time ever, rented a car once I landed on the island. Normally, I take the jitney they have there all around the island and site see that way. But this time, I got fancy and rented a cute little convertible and zipped to every single beach point. And drove virtually every road. And stopped at every single place I wanted.  Because I can't normally do that, as the jitney driver does not appreciate being tapped on the shoulder and asked to stop every time I see an antiques store. Trust me on this. It makes them crabby.

But this day was different. I had the sun on my face, the wind making a rats nest of my hair with salty air (totally fine by me), listening to fine music and driving along the coast. We stopped off in Edgartown, which is my favorite of the points, and ate a leisurely lunch of lobster rolls and white wine.  I got to go to every store that I normally skip out of fear that my kids will break something. And you know what? I bought nothing kid related. And I don't even feel guilty. This was an adult day. Right after I declared that, we drove right over to Oak Bluffs and ordered huge sundaes complete with rainbow sprinkles. And watched the carousel at Flying Horses. Who ever declared those to be kid things, anyway?

But my point, and I do have one, was that this was a perfect day.  It rained on the way over, on the ferry, but I didn't care. I was making the most of it. My attitude could not be rained on. And once I hit the island, the sun came out and it smelled green and salty and life was just....good. Great. Perfect even. And there is my question. Are you someone who recognizes when you're having a perfectly happy moment? Or day? I havent always been, but I surely am now. When I can look around and know that my kids are safe and happy, even without me for a weekend, and I can enjoy being free and impulsive and get back to the basics of what makes  I'm not much good to my kids otherwise, right?

So I sincerely hope you do take the time to smell the roses that are growing up that white picket fence on your right, peaking their faces out at you waiting for you to take notice.  They wont be there forever, they wont even be there blooming in a month or so. So do it. Today.

And one last thing... I was at the cliffs in Aquinnah and stopped at a little store overlooking the ocean. They had a ton of those little wooden signs full of clichés that I love so much. But one caught my eye.  This is what it said, check it out, along with those roses:

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