Monday, July 18, 2011

My Un-fun Weekend, and some very fun links.

I started my weekend off well enough. I was feeling slightly under the weather, but was attending a Keith Urban concert for my daughter's birthday so I was certainly going to go. I gave her the tickets in February, on her 13th birthday, and she actually cried in front of the whole family. Clearly, this was a big deal and I wasn't going to miss it!  So off we went, into the city to watch Keith Urban and Jake Owen, both of which put on a fantastic show. And my "take away" from this show? It was, "God help me when a long-haired, guitar playing man walks into her life". She obviously has her mothers taste in men. Greeeeeeeeaaaaaat.

By Saturday morning, I was feeling very, very unwell and kind of sweaty. Given that I am normally the coldest person in the room everywhere I go, this worried me. But it was my nephews birthday, so I couldn't bail out. Off I went to the park. And had a lovely time, other than the fact that swallowing was becoming increasingly difficult and it occurred to me on several occasions to throw myself into the lake to cool down. No Swimming signs be damned.  Finally, I tapped out and headed home. Where I discovered I had a fever hovering around 102.5. And I instantly fell into a coma like state, leaving me to wonder the next morning how I woke up in something completely different then what I went to sleep in.

Sunday, I finally decided once my fever got to 103.5 that it was time for the hospital. Despite my 5 pound weight loss, I couldn't see a good reason to put it off.  I got there, I sat there for four hours, and they told me I had a sever virus for which they could do nothing. And they told me to continue to quarantine myself to my bedroom, until my fever has been gone for a day. No dice today, as I woke up with a fever. And you know, I always thought it would be relaxing to stay in my room for a few days. Not so much. In fact, its way less fun than I thought it would be. Maybe I thought I'd relax, there would be gorgeous men with large fans fanning me, feeding me grapes?  So far, none of those have materialized. But send them over, should you find some. Thanks.

Since I've been out of touch lately due to vacation and now this, I wanted to at least share with you some of my favorite websites. A few of my standing favorites are on the right, Pioneer Woman and the Experiment. Both written by inspiring and witty women. Here's a few more that you may enjoy:    I love, love, love this site. You have to check it out. I think she's brilliant.  She also gives great tutorials that are easy to follow.  The site is described as the place to find DIY tutorials to create designer duds & decor on a budget. If you're a resourceful gal with swanky style on a thrifty budget, then this site is for you!  Wonderful site by an adorable husband and wife. They have awesome recipes! Check them out.  My girlfriend Chandra over at the Earthfood Experiment recommended this to me.  This girl knows me, because I love the site.  This site is maintained by the woman who ran Martha Stewart Living for years. She walked away from the job, convinced she would find simplicity and peace in the woods of the Berkshires. She wrote a great book, and the website is equally fantastic.


Have a great day, readers. Great things are coming, including a blog page redo and some exciting topics and giveaways!!


  1. I have to check out the copy craft site -sounds intriguing! Wanted to let you know that I featured your super sweet mason jar lanterns! You can check them out here if you want to. Thanks!!

  2. Thanks!! I am actually updating the tutorial soon, using different tools. Check back for the updates!
