Monday, May 30, 2011

Mason Jar Lanterns. I love all things Mason Jar. I drink beer out of them, and put candles and preserve into them. Hmmmm...Intriguing.

I love Mason Jars.  So much so that I just capitalized BOTH Mason and Jar. You'll probably see many things involving Mason Jars on my blog, but mostly during canning season. However, I was feeling a bit lonely and missing my Mason Jar so I came up with an alternate for the non-canning season. Well, that and I happen to have dozens of them in my kitchen taking up space in the "off season" so I needed to find a use for them. And VIOLA! We have lanterns.


I have a front porch which I love, and my family and friends and I all spend a lot of time there in the warmer seasons. It's my favorite gathering place. But I also have an ugly hanging light which draws mosquitos in droves, seemingly like a neon arrow right over my head. And it's not the most complimentary lighting for those of more "mature"  than a 20 year old, but not AS mature as, say, a 90 year old.  So here's a great alternative. All you need is:

Wire (16-20 gauge is easiest to work with)

Needlesnose Pliers

Wire Cutters

Mason Jars (Heart)

Filler of your choice (I chose white rocks, but sand is great too)

Tea Lights

Plus any decorative "stuff" (I chose ribbon & seashells) and a hot glue gun, for said "stuff".


Start by wrapping two 6 inch pieces of wire around the mouth of the jar. Meet them in the middle, and loop them around. Keep it as even as possible, if not the lantern will tip forward instead of hanging straight up.

Once this step is complete, loop a longer piece of wire into one of the loops you just made.  This wire can be any length you choose, I made random lengths. Because I'm random and that's how I roll.

Twist the wire up and around itself. Does that make sense? If not, loop it up and cut it the hell off. I did both, just because. From here, you can take all kinds of artistic liberties. If this is for a wedding (congrats on being rustic and adorable and environmentally friendly in your lighting), you can print a ribbon with the bride's and groom's names on it, or a hanging tag with lovely phrases. Or if you're not getting married (me!!!), you can hang them from a tree in your yard for a backyard cocktail party or on your porch. I set them on my mantle for example pics, but I assure you some will be on my front porch and some hanging in my backyard trees, and quite possibly hanging from my RV.

These really were very simple, and took me no time at all to make. I'm instantly in love with them, and they make really cute and unique hostess gifts too! Plus, I can empty them and put preserves in them in the canning season. Awww...Im just kidding, that would be gross. But if yours comes to you in a seashell decorated Mason Jar....act like you don' t notice.

This is a great project for a "beginner" DIY-er. If you're really new and don't know what that means, it's do-it-yourselfer.  And if you're an expert DIY-er, get fancy! I'd love to see some pics when you're done. Go get crazy with a Mason Jar (heart)!!!! And because I haven't said so lately, THANK YOU for reading. I heart you, too. As much as a Mason Jar. Which is  A LOT!


  1. omg, i love it!! I have a bunch of light blue mason jars that I bought in NE last year and I was just tellin Sean last week, that I wanted to put candles in them and hang them around the hot tub. I love all things Mason Jar too :)
    I will steal your tip on the rocks, ribbon and the wire!!! genius I tell you!!!

  2. I have a ton left over, so maybe I'll come down tomorrow and we'll do some together:) I am a genius, thank you for noticing. Im secretly crafty.

  3. I would love it!! Come over and bring your glue gun!!! LOL

  4. really???? ok i have to make these, i have no idea how u did the wire part, so i have to read that again...but i love these!!

  5. I was actually just thinking, just the other day, about using my Mason Jars as candles holders on my balcony! I had not thought about putting handles on them, however. That's a fantastic idea. Can't wait to pretty up my porch :)
