Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Things I saw this weekend...because a Vet gave me the freedom to do so.

A ridiculously beautiful sunset. Which I got to enjoy with my babies.


A very happy puppy. He's mine, and he went swimming for the very first time.

Two adorable kids. Also mine.


Sheer bliss.

Sheer Bliss Part Two.

Good friends.

These are just a few of the many things Im thankful for in my life, a life blessed with freedom to be who we are.  And to live in a free country comes with a steep price tag, which is paid for everyday by people in the military and the families who support them as they protect us.  Thank you, from a VERY PROUD AMERICAN!

1 comment:

  1. What fantastic photos!! We had a blast this weekend and we did see some really amazing things. Sharks being caught, dolphins swimming after watching the sunset ,our little girls who have somehow morphed into teenagers over night and our little ones with so much wonder and pure happiness. I feel like we are all in our element whenever we get back to nature and can just be.

    Thanks love for an amazing weekend!!
