Monday, May 2, 2011

Tired of those #$@*!-ing dandilions? Revenge Salad.

As a die-hard nature chick, I have a problem vilifying any part of nature. This includes dandelions and creeping Charlie, but the latter has become the recent target of blind fury. It's creeped into my veggie garden, which dogs, cat and children in my household know NOT to do unless you're invited. That being said, if you are not the nature lover or are just out of patience, you can exact some revenge on the little suckers with this recipe.  Oh, but if you have a dog, maybe you should pick them from your dogless neighbors yard.

You'll need:

1/2 pound of torn dandelions (that's a lot out of your yard! Hooray!)

2 chopped tomatoes

1/2 tsp of dried basil

1/2 red onion

Throw all ingredients into a bowl. I'd toss in a few strawberries to even out the flavor, maybe some goat cheese. Because everything is better with goat cheese. And a strawberry vinaigrette. 


  1. I've made many an accessory from Dandelions, but never has it occurred to me to eat them. I'm utterly intrigued. I don't have my own yard in which to pick them from, however I'm sure it could not be too hard to find a donor! :)

  2. Dandelion Revenge Salad, too funny, sounds very intersting! Why not? Loved the blog. I will be looking forward to reading more!
