Friday, June 3, 2011

Contentment. Please take a minute to read, I hope you'll be glad you did!

This is going to be just a short little note, since my last post was so lengthy. I am thinning out my magazine pile (no small job, I assure you!) but besides the DIY project that is being born out of it (will follow in another post!), I came across some words that I loved.

Last night I was madly flipping through my magazines, if you can imagine that mental picture. In full sweats, surrounded by piles and piles of magazines, clipping out only the projects and recipes I thought were great. I ended up with a pile of clippings ALMOST as big as the magazine pile! How did that happen?!  Some of the magazines dated back ten years, I'm not even kidding! In my defense, they were Martha Stewart Halloween editions, and im a Halloween fanatic. Yeah...that makes it seem acceptable. Anyway, I flipped a page and spotted a beautiful picture of a dock overlooking a serene waterway. I imagined in my head that it was down South, like New Orleans. And the caption said this:

"Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have."

And all at once, I realized this is my wish for everyone I know. That they could live by this quote in addition to the Golden Rule. To find contentment in the simple things, the every day magic in your life, in your family and your friends and even in your struggles. In those quiet, perfect moments. I know I'm creating a perfect world in my head, but I will continue to happily believe that one by one, we can get there.  Spread the word.

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