Friday, June 10, 2011

Supporting Your Local Agriculture: Birchwood Farms

Many of my family and friends know that the food I feed my family is of huge importance to me, as I'm sure it is to most of you. It's one reason I decided to grow my own food, and to support my local growers. It's also the reason that I am practically obsessed with the meat I give to my children. As a society, we've gotten a bit lax and "assume" that the food we're feeding ourselves and our loved ones is safe. After all, the government lets it pass their tests, right? Yes they do. Are their tests as strict as we would like? Not so much.

Quite a few years ago, I read an article in Mother Earth News labeled "What You Need to Know About the Beef You Eat".  I read all 9 pages. And when I was through, the woman across from me on the train inquired about what I was reading, because my mouth was hanging open. I tore it out and gave it to her, but I could not ignore what I learned that day. I've attached the article hyperlink (click on the title of the article). It's a lengthy read, but you'll be glad you read it. Please don't rely upon the FDA to make good decisions for you.  That article is part of what landed me happily on the doorstep of Birchwood Farms this afternoon.

I have been a fan on Birchwood Farm's Facebook for some time, and decided it was time for me to make the quick drive to Newtown to check it out. I was so glad I did! It was a lovely little drive, and the store stands on a beautiful piece of land off the beaten path. Cows, horses and pig wander happily about, they're a vocal group and fun for the kids to see.  Although this poor boy below just wanted that pesky woman with the camera to leave him the heck alone!

Once inside, I found a great selection of what I was there for and a lot of added bonuses. But first and foremost: grass fed meat. They had all different cuts (selection varies daily so follow them on Facebook for up to date information!) and I was ridiculously happy with the first of my three selections that I made tonight, which was the Strip Steak.  It was beautifully marbled, tender and fresh!  In fact, grass fed meats have 5 times the amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), beta-carotene and omega fatty acids than meat that is not raised on grass.  CLA has been shown to have anti-cancer properties as well as assist in weight management.  Good stuff, and tasty too! 

Since I'm leaving for my trip soon, I bought all beef for this weekend but intend to return for pork as well.  It's free range, the pigs roam free (as you can see) and graze that way as well. 

It's important for me to add here that Birchwood Farms and their cows are certified organic. They test weekly to ensure cleanliness and use only the finest natural, organic ingredients. Can you say that about where you're getting your meat and dairy? I sure hope so!

Either way, most of us know that it's so important to support our local agriculture and shops. More and more we're being surrounded by big box stores and chains. I got to meet a lovely woman who was working while I went and pestered them, and she was patient, informed and very friendly. It was an experience, not just an impersonal check out line where everyone looks miserable. Make a stop, meet some educated and passionate people and know that you're supporting your neighborhood and providing your family with the best there is to offer.  The farm can be found at 428 Brownsburg Road in Newtown PA.   You can find more information including what they carry (much more! Including some ingredients being used in my next delicious recipe!) at the website for Birchwood Farms.

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